Tuesday 12 April 2011

The unpredictability of teenagers...

I had everything planned, I took a lot of inspiration from Jacopo Pandolfi and had a lot of shots lined up in my mind. For my steam punk, I wanted to get a shot of him in the old part of town with the cobbled streets, stood isolated. I then wanted an image of him leaning against a worn brick wall staring at the camera with his gas mask on, to create a gritty street photography style.
I wanted a small emo girl, and to bring her sparkling black wings to stand her against a graffiti wall.

All of the very unusual and extreme stereotypes never showed up for the shoot and the majority of my photos had to be re-thought on the spot. So on the spot I used what I had around me. As it was an extremely sunny and hot day, the people I was photographing weren't exactly wearing their most extreme clothes. But then again, is that what the shoot was about? Yeah it was about youth fashion culture, but I had a look at the book Fruit by Shoichi Aoki. He captured Japanese youth culture and took photos of random people in the city. I like this documentary style approach, so I feel it may have been better that they were wearing what they wanted instead of being made up just for a photo shoot.

So I decided that I would follow my sister and cousins main group of friends around town, see the places that they naturally went too and then set up photos there. they went to a wide range of places, they went to the grassy park, to the main shopping area, to the marina and around the older parts of the town. Along the way, they bumped into more friends that were different and they all came together for a group photo (you'll know which one it is Mike).

All in all, it was a different day than I expected. Not the gritty street photography style that I was really after, but you never know, it could be just as good...

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