Thursday 29 September 2011

Choo chooooo

So my day consisted of seminars, a digital media workshop and running for the train home, which was delayed at one of the stops so i missed my train. Im posting from a hull trains service to, you guessed it, hull. Today i learnt quite a lot, had my first digital media workshop where i learnt Maya (photo attached of my first attempt). Its really hard, and thats a huge understatement. In 3 weeks im expected to have made a creature on there and animated it for use in a film or video game. Imma die. Me and my mate dave may be having editing parties as 2 of us could work out the basics and thats it. My work for the next lesson is to build a temple. Yes my dear readers, a freaking temple!! Bit of a step up from the weird shape on my picture.

This is gonna be interesting...

Monday 26 September 2011

It's like someone lit a rocket...

Well, how times can change extremely quickly. With the combination of sweets, boredom and being able to organise my brain on my blog, not long after I posted my last update things suddenly changed. By sunday evening I had completely edited and had done the voiceover for one of my films and submitted it 24 hours before the deadline! Remarkable considering that at 3pm on saturday I had like no footage or any clue what I was doing.

I then got myself organised and applied for work experience at my university, setting up their awards ceremony for the media department. Should hear back from that soon but yeah, things just happened.

To be fair, my website is still no further and the next film that needs submitting really quickly has not even been captured onto my hard drive yet.

Meh, it'll all be fine!

Saturday 24 September 2011

Nowhere is everywhere

So since I last posted, nothing has really happened. I haven't done any more to my website and I still haven't written my script idea that I've had for months. I haven't done any photoshop training from this thing I bought and I still haven't edited either films for 2 competitions.

But I feel like I've done a lot...

I have read my amazing screenwriting book, Crafting short screenplays that connect by Claudia Hunter Johnson. I may have not done a lot but this book has made me realise I need to change my mind set. My mind has become more open to the world around me, teaching me to go out and live the feelings I want to write. Like I am petrified for big rides, no idea why though, so when my boyfriend took me to Alton Towers, I went on 4 of the 5 big rides, Oblivion being the one I was extremely scared to do (pictured below)

I am quite an open minded person to begin with but I need to be like a sponge and just absorb everything around me. I have lived so much this spring/summer, it has been the best of my entire life and I feel I have grown up not just as a person but my perspective on my work.

Bring on 2nd year of uni!